
Day 38: "Hello, video!"

"I refuse to be the star of this show!"

A bit of a departure, yes, but the video Kayla took, totally captured the spirit of the afternoon. Pictures at the Photobucket.


Days 32, 33, & 34: Silly, silly humans

Day 34: Oh, to steal your heart away...

I want you and I need you
I don't know what else to say

Day 33: Woo me until the sun comes up...

“Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
-excerpt from Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

Day 32: Last night I saw you in my dreams, and now I can't wait to go to sleep...

“Anyone can escape into sleep, we are all geniuses when we dream, the butcher's the poet's equal there.”
- Emile M. Cioran


Day 31: We are all the same, we are all different

"Docta MLK Jr."
"No, it's Dr. MLKJ."
"J for Jr, stupid."


Day 30: "Tuesdays are dangerous."

The next thing I remember
I am walking down the street
I'm feeling all right
I'm with my boys, I'm with my troops, yeah


Day 29: So it's to youth I sing you this story, and it's of youth I sing it now

by Federico Garcia Lorca

Ábrete, sésamo
del día.
Ciérrate, sésamo
de la noche.

by Federico Garcia Lorca

Open sesame
by day.
Shut sesame
at night.


Day 28: When we were made of dreams

"Work is either fun or drudgery. It depends on your attitude. I like fun."
-Colleen Barrett


Day 27: It's all gotta be non stop ad libbing within each chorus, or the gig is shot.

"...The words are only one word the perfect
My body my alcohol my pain my death are only
the perfect word as I
Tell it to you, poor sweet categorizers
Every me I was & wrote
were only & all (gently)
That one perfect word"
-excerpt from the poem, "Jack Would Speak through the Imperfect Medium of Alice"by Alice Notley


Day 26: We have to begin again with the ordinary meaning of words.

"To be human is to be joined together."
-excerpt from Rock'N'Roll by Tom Stoppard


Day 25: The moments were subtle but unstolen and guess who owns them

I ordered a hovercraft off the back page of an Archie comic
Built it in three days to float above snarky comments